[7:57:10 PM] Roflcptr: dont show up to SD anymore during any raids my family and i are taking legal action on you and i will be looking for any opportunity to get you. i have chat records on file and we will get you and me and my family are taking legal action on you.
[7:57:25 PM] Kombat: oh ok
[7:57:31 PM] Roflcptr: we ARE looking for you and are launching an invesigation
[7:57:34 PM] Kombat: haha kid i was kidding bout that call
[7:57:43 PM] Kombat: but alright go for it
[7:57:54 PM] Roflcptr: no we just had some people show up to our door saying we found their lost dog
[7:57:59 PM] Kombat: I'm <Kombat's dox>, there's your start
[7:58:08 PM] Kombat: oh what?
[7:58:10 PM] Roflcptr: yeah.
[7:58:28 PM] Kombat: uuh that wasnt me, I said mormons and dicks at work, but was trollin'
[7:58:52 PM] Kombat: lol you think I'm sending lostdogfags to your place... I dont fuck with those peeps
[7:58:58 PM] Roflcptr: well someone is
[7:59:03 PM] Kombat: I'm moral bout that
[7:59:05 PM] Roflcptr: youve started this game of fucking with me with my info
[7:59:17 PM] Kombat: but launch your investigation on me, IM A WANTED MAN XD
[7:59:32 PM] Kombat: haha game?
[7:59:39 PM] Kombat: no lol, I had your dox
[7:59:50 PM] Kombat: I told webbo to say what he did
[8:00:05 PM] Kombat: we never sent you anything, it was for lulz, only wish I recorded it
[8:00:22 PM] Kombat: but haha keep it up kid! epic troll
[8:00:33 PM] Kombat: have you enrolled in kindergrden yet?