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 9th was not fail, read now

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PostSubject: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptySat May 09, 2009 7:35 pm

I think our raid was great, but I'm not gonna take sides. What happened today really confused me, as I think it did a couple others. I'm going to be a neutral little Kombat and step away from this conflict between whoever is fighting it. I thought about ditching IRC, but I'm not going to let this bullshit stop me. However, if I receive a side-imposing message, expect an /ignore.

That is all.
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptySat May 09, 2009 7:57 pm

I agree, it was not a fail. I had a good time, and it was my first time going to a raid. I want to join you guys in the next raid when it happens.
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptySat May 09, 2009 8:32 pm

Nobody is fighting anything. People have the right to protest with whomever they choose.
Or not.

There is no conflict. Choices are being made. That is all.
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OT 5

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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptySat May 09, 2009 9:55 pm

I'm the long winded moral-fag here, I'll give this a go.

There seems to be a misconception that protesting is incompatible with lulz. That is wrong. The lulz are what make our protests different from those who are all srs bsns like Greenpeace. The lulz protect us from being bull baited by the scilons.(*) The lulz are, by definition, fun. There's nothing wrong with that.

A problem arises when no protesting goes on at all.

Dancing is essential. Dancing with signs and flags is better. Talking is essential. Talking to the public about Scientology's crimes is better. Music is essential. Music that doesn't feature the word "Fuck" repeated discordantly fifty times in a row is better.

There's also something called "Brand Management". The scilons are good at it. Every business you see that has lasted more than a year or two is good at it. It's controlling how you want to present yourself to the world. We want the "Anonymous brand" to be linked with dancing. We want the "Anonymous brand" to be linked with accurate information and thoughtful commentary. We want the "Anonymous brand" to be linked with hip music. In order to bring our message to the greatest number of people, we must not scare them off when they walk by. We may be rough around the edges, but when in public, we should be PG-13, or a mild R at most. Imploring someone who might take a YFTC to suck your dick, or telling them how the scilons do so, is a loss for us. We emerged from /b/. We cannot change that. We can choose where and when to be civil and when to be monsters.

We cannot control the parts of Anonymous outside San Diego. I cannot control any Anon other than myself.

Barb is right when she says above "There is no conflict. Choices are being made."

It's been one year and three months since the first protests. The international cult known as Scientology has not yet fallen. Amazing. Anyone who expected it would take less than a year doesn't know how things work in the world. The scilons believe that they are invincible and will never fall. The closing of the Chula Vista mission is one counter example. Dusseldorf, Germany was another. In time, more orgs will fail due solely to their own mismanagement and our inoculations of the public. Mostly the former. We are merely a catalyst. If we press on and fire no further footbullets, we will win!

That is all. Resume fapping.

(*) Assuming our local org did anything other than hide, take pictures, and glare impotently.

tl;dr Lurn 2 reed, cockmongler. Knowledge is power.
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptySat May 09, 2009 10:01 pm

So let's just split up into two groups.

That'll show them.
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptySun May 10, 2009 3:35 am

You seem to be demanding that those of us who aren't real pleased with today's raid should stick around when we don't feel like it.

Like those goddam PETA people who insist everyone should eat tofu, whether they like it or not.

rofl is tofu and you can't force everybody to like him, so get over it. I don't see why you'd care if I go off on my own anyway.

I don't tell you how to behave. So don't try to leaderfag me.
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptySun May 10, 2009 3:49 am


I pose as a fucking niggernazi.
Randomface tells people up font that he has a boner for jesus.
Roflcptr is fucking roflcptr and suddenly people want to stay away from us.

What the fuck is that?
Bullshit. Petty nonsense bullshit.
Also double standards. Double standards because he's been doing this shit before. Everyone was fine with it...until today. Unless someone has a problem with me being a niggernazi and Random's boner for Jesus....

Roflcptr came down here because he fucking felt like it. You don't like the way he acts, not our problem. We had fun. Sorry you guys didn't because of his behavior. You guys knew how he is.

Also: fuck yeah I'm damned demanding because that shit that was pulled was stupid. People who claim to be apart of the same cause but not protesting with us because of one person who made it pretty clear throughout the times that he will not change for nothing/no one. USE COMMUNICATION. You don't like something on the spot, don't make a pity party on the other side of the sidewalk. We don't usually operate like that, why start just because of a faggot named rofl? It's not anyone's place to tell people behave, right. But you're out there with US. At least let us know, we're not mind readers.

I understand all sides, but I still say today....fucking rocked.
You guys want to have your book club in the corner of the party, fine. bounce

But I don't think the whole "two groups anonymous" will help solve the issue
only help to make it worse.

WE are anonymous
United as one; divided by zero.
not 2. Fuck that.

I'm done. You all lost the game. See you guys next week.
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptySun May 10, 2009 5:51 pm


no more of this division, it's immature.. wait anon immature, that's not right. Laughing
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptyWed May 13, 2009 4:26 am

I want you all to appreciate the gravity of me posting, because I felt compelled to say something. I am in Iraq, I've been gone from San Diego for almost 1 year, and absent from the boards almost as long. I've done Anon work in Oklahoma, Virginia, Washington D.C., and Germany since then. I am still doing Anon work here. I have busted my ass for every cell I've collaborated with, especially San Diego. I've had to willingly force myself to try and never be a leaderfag, but if this comes off as "leaderfag" then I do NOT FUCKING CARE. I will say my piece, and then I will leave the cell to continue its business.

You ALL have some serious issues. There is a shit ton of drama here and it is affecting the srs bzns AND the lulz. San Diego's greatest threat is itself because you people aren't fucking being challenged. You are getting lazy, you are getting complacent, and you are slacking in the worst fucking way possible. The San Diego cell is the cancer that is killing the San Diego cell.

Congrats xenubarb, congrats roflcopter. I've trolled and enturbulated with you both. I think you are both great Anonymous. I would happily protest alongside either of you any day. Now learn to fucking work together. Same goes for any other two Anons who've got problems. Hate each other on the boards, but when its go time and the raid is on THEN (WO)MAN THE FUCK UP AND WORK TOGETHER FOR THE COLLECTIVE.

Rofl, you need to tone it down. Dancing like an idiot, playing crazy music, and even humping the occasional car is lulz and its great, but you go beyond. From one Anon to another, I am ASKING you for the sake of the cell, the protests, and Chanology, to PLEASE tone it down. I think you know what an acceptable level is, and if you honestly do not then I'd be happy to have a frank and open discussion with you on what I personally feel IRL boundaries should be. Remember, will of the Collective, stick to The Rules, and err on the side of caution IRL.

Xenubarb, you're hardcore and willing to give it your all and you want this in the worst way possible, but you need to communicate better. You've got a lot of seniority, experience, and knowledge, but you are of no use in quality control. The neighborhood raid we did was awesome. We need more stuff like that and you're the kind of person with the drive and understanding to take that and execute mission. Just remember not everyone is here for the same reason as you, accept it, understand it, and USE it. Rofl has boundless energy and should be dancing and humping and singing to attract attention long enough for you to swoop in, pass out a flyer, and spread the good word.

For Xenu's sake people. We have no leaders, but that doesn't mean each and every one of you can't step up and demonstrate some fucking initiative to keep the lulzers in line and the moralfags from getting butthurt. I can't make anyone do anything, nor can anyone else. But you can go up to someone and politely explain your position and try to reach a compromise.

Every single one of you is made of fucking fail if you did not go up to xenubarb or rofl and try to defuse the situation. Xenubarb and rofl are made of fail because they caused the situation. This incident is cancer, and I'm praying to God that my post is a shot of chemo that will slap you fuckers in the face.

I have no comment on the protest itself because I don't care. This incident, that San Diego had such a breakdown in the collective's will and had it publicly at a protest, is what I'm fucking peeved on. I could write pages and pages on how you all need to get straight and fix your game, but I won't because this is already tl;dr as is.

tl;dr; Everyone of you is broke, the cell is fucked up. Xenubarb can't manage worth a crap, and Roflcopter is being politely asked to restrain himself a little in public. Every Anon needs to grow a pair and take the Improved Initiative feat. Work together at raids and communicate, because that is the FUCKING DEFINITION OF A COLLECTIVE.

End statement-I will not return to the board. I am still active Anonymous, but I will not be returning to San Diego and therefore have no reason to remain active here. Individuals wishing to contact me should use my email or WWP. I can be reached at anonsoldier42 at gmail dot com. Th-th-th-that's all, folks!

Last edited by anonsoldier on Wed May 13, 2009 4:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptyWed May 13, 2009 4:29 am

anonsoldier wrote:
End statement-I will not return to the board. I am still active Anonymous, but I will not be returning to San Diego and therefore have no reason to remain active here. Individuals wishing to contact me should use my email or WWP.
9th was not fail, read now 2vqW
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptyWed May 13, 2009 4:32 am

ffs just let this die. everyone has made their peace. no reason to leave tissues everywhere.
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptyWed May 13, 2009 4:48 am

Glad to know that I didn't waste my time, nor breath.

/me bows.
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptyWed May 13, 2009 8:05 am

I can't manage worth a crap? Since when was it my job to manage things? It's not that I can't, it's that I refuse to.

That is all.
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptyWed May 13, 2009 6:29 pm

I can ride my bike with no handlebars...
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptyWed May 13, 2009 6:34 pm

Daft wrote:
I can ride my bike with no handlebars...
oh yeah? well i can ride mine with no pedals, beat that
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptyWed May 13, 2009 8:38 pm

ANOthersandiegaN wrote:
Daft wrote:
I can ride my bike with no handlebars...
oh yeah? well i can ride mine with no pedals, beat that

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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptyWed May 13, 2009 9:33 pm

kombat wrote:
ANOthersandiegaN wrote:
Daft wrote:
I can ride my bike with no handlebars...
oh yeah? well i can ride mine with no pedals, beat that


Crying or Very sad
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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptyWed May 13, 2009 9:42 pm

You both love the cock as much as I do.
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OT 8

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PostSubject: Re: 9th was not fail, read now   9th was not fail, read now EmptyWed May 13, 2009 10:18 pm

Daft wrote:
You both love the cock as much as I do.
9th was not fail, read now Daftwebcamlq1
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